In this short post, I will show how we can forward port from a remote host to a local computer. We will forward a port from AWS EC2 to local computer with openssl.
I have been using AWS with Terraform to provision my development instance on AWS cloud. When I wanted to configure dotfiles, change SSH port and configure some cron jobs, I hit a bottleneck. I literally was not able to do those tasks with user scripts because they had no effect. That was the time when creating custom image of the distro came into my mind.
This is my rundown of AWS's whitepaper about Implementing Microservices on AWS. In this article I talk more about micrsoservices and less about AWS. I also talk about paths already engraved around microservices. So, without further ado, let's get started.
I've dabbled over many languages in the past, from PHP, Java, Python, C/C++, JavaScript and now Go (some of them I only know the syntax of). I never experienced concurrency the way it does in Go. In my first company I did some concurrent programming using Python threads, but the threads didn't share any data between them.
Suppose you are working with softwareA which depends on libraryA, instead of copy-pasting the libraryA over and over again when a new version of the library is released what we can do is use submodule to make this process DRY and elegant.
In 2014, Google hinted that they are running tests taking into account whether sites use secure, encrypted connections as a signal in our search ranking algorithms. This means it will affect SEO in some way. Today in the age of HTTP2, https is defualt. Default in the sense that many server software will only allow HTTP2 when https is configured.
Each year I post about what have I done in that particular year, inclining it more toward career. This is to document my process of learning over the year of 2020. I would say this was a productive year for people in IT. I myself completed some courses this year which would take more time if it was a non-corona year.
Promise is a language feature for asynchronous programming in JavaScript. Today we see the basic syntax which will get you running while you learn more on the go.
Like most of the self-taught programmers, I spent a lot of my years dabbling with different technologies. But there comes a time in every programmer's life when they have to learn data structures and algorithms to proceed in their careers. In this post I will go through the basics of data structures, what purpose they server and what's common between all of them.
Are you lost between Handle, HandleFunc, and HandlerFunc? If the answer is yes then this post is for you. To understand these pretty well we need to be familiar with interafces. Although `interface` is just a keyword, it's confusing at first when you are switching from Python like language; which does not have a similar keyword.
The way we used to deliver resources to the client in a server-client setup is now drifting away from REST to a more modern delivery mechanism. Two of them are gRPC and GraphQL. While both these solve a different kind of problem, REST is going to stay for a while. It is the simplest to learn at least.