Wildcard Domain Certificate Using Route53 and Let's Encrypt
· ☕ 14 min read
Today I'll go through how get and configure a HTTPS certificate from Let's Encrypt for all the subdomain. I have already posted about how we can automate installation of Jenkins & Nginx with Ansible. I have also done a post where I talk about how to enable HTTPS on a non-wildcard basis i.e. only for the root domain and not on subdomain.

How I Enabled HTTPS on My EC2 Hosted Website
· ☕ 6 min read
In 2014, Google hinted that they are running tests taking into account whether sites use secure, encrypted connections as a signal in our search ranking algorithms. This means it will affect SEO in some way. Today in the age of HTTP2, https is defualt. Default in the sense that many server software will only allow HTTP2 when https is configured.