I'm Ditching VirtualBox for Something More Linux Native
· ☕ 6 min read
In past posts, we have already seen how we can use Vagrant to make the management of VirtualBox VMs more declarative and store it as code. Today we take a step forward and drop VirtualBox itself. In today's post, we will check out an alternative to VirtualBox which has been native to Linux for the last 20 years... The Kernel-based Virtual Machine.

Let's Use Vagrant to make Virtualbox less Tedious
· ☕ 5 min read
I had known about Vagrant from before. However, it was not until I was doing a Kubernetes course that I encountered it again. The instructor was spinning up and shutting down VMs like a piece of cake. This made me rethink about virtualization again. I have been configuring Virtualbox till now with GUI, and it's pretty cumbersome to download ISOs, configure network, storage, and whatnot. While it is good for beginners to see what's going on, it created a drive in me to steer away from it. But the time has changed now. Introducing **Vagrant**.