A Brief Evolution of HTTP
· ☕ 7 min read
In this post I have gone through and collected events related to HTTP and it's gradual development.

Difference Between Handler, Handle and HandlerFunc
· ☕ 6 min read
Are you lost between Handle, HandleFunc, and HandlerFunc? If the answer is yes then this post is for you. To understand these pretty well we need to be familiar with interafces. Although `interface` is just a keyword, it's confusing at first when you are switching from Python like language; which does not have a similar keyword.

What Does a True RESTful API Means?
· ☕ 4 min read
The way we used to deliver resources to the client in a server-client setup is now drifting away from REST to a more modern delivery mechanism. Two of them are gRPC and GraphQL. While both these solve a different kind of problem, REST is going to stay for a while. It is the simplest to learn at least.

Sending POST Request in Go with a Body
· ☕ 3 min read
Sending a POST request in Go is not an easy cake. One need to structure every piece of data being send. Today I'm gonna show how you can make a little easier.

Introduction to WebAssembly with Go
· ☕ 6 min read
In simple words, WASM let's us use code in browser, which is written in other language. The twist here is, that language does not have to be JavaScript or Node. It could be languages such as Python or Go. Today we see how we write code in Go to run that in browser environment.