Dynamically Insert Version Info From git tag to Your App
· β˜• 5 min read
There are two options, either you put version info in code and then use that in automation to create git tag. The another way is to let git tag drive the version info in the compiled application. In this post we see the later option.

Continuous Integration and Deployment to Beanstalk With Docker
· β˜• 4 min read
Docker makes it easy to develop and deploy application, reducing friction between the processes. And ElasticBeanstak is a great platform build upon EC2 infrastructure which provides provisioning capability without much effort.

Unit Testing, Test Coverage and CI with Travis in Go
· β˜• 7 min read
In this post, I talk about why TDD is important. Why it is essential part of build process. I also talk a little bit about test coverage and having more coverage is always better. I also provision a Travis CI pipeline to test same application in different environments.

Run Unit Test Before Every Commit with pre-commit Hook
· β˜• 3 min read
Why wait for CI/CD services to run your test? And in case you've already submitted a pull request, you'll have to push another commit to fix the cause of failed test held by CI provider. You can prevent that by running unit tests locally before every commit.

Software Testing and Test Driven Development
· β˜• 3 min read
Every little software grows big, trying to solve more problem regarding its particular domain. It faces bugs in the way which also needs to be taken care of. As software grows big. It becomes harder to go and test if every part of the software is behaving the way it should...

How would you exclude all extension-less executable from your repo?
· β˜• 2 min read
While learning to program in C++, have this though ever cross your mind that how to exclude all the binary file created with 'make source'? This has happened with me. And that is the reason which inspired me to write this post.

Merge more than one Commits before Pushing
· β˜• 2 min read
The process of merging commits together is called squashing.Β There are many commands to do the same thing, but I will discuss the one I learned. There's a read more section below if you want to know more about this topic.