Monitoring My HomeLab With Prometheus and Grafana
· β˜• 7 min read
I have enough machines in my house that there is a deep desire inside me to call it a home lab. Though I'm not saying my setup is as cool as the one you find on r/homelab. I have a laptop, a PC, and a Raspberry Pi. That's enough number of devices that I want to know more about at a single place. The thing in my favor is Raspi, which can be up 24x7 without taking much power. This is going to be my server for telemetry.

MQTT basics and how to get started on Ubuntu
· β˜• 8 min read
MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight, publish-subscribe messaging protocol designed for low-bandwidth, high-latency, or unreliable networks. It is particularly well-suited for IoT (Internet of Things) devices and applications that require the transmission of small amounts of data over long periods of time.

iptables - Advance Usage and Common Pitfalls
· β˜• 3 min read
In a previous post I have talked about introduction and basic usage with iptables. I did some more research on the subject and I found out more information about it which I would like to share with you.

Unlocking Docker's Power With Go: A Developer's Perspective - Part 2
· β˜• 12 min read
In this blog post we continue our last post for most advanced use cases. We talk about managing docker containers in which we talk about spinning a container, listing, starting, stopping, and removing container. We talk about using docker network. We talk about streaming adn retrieving logs from docker container. We also cover docker working with docker volumes using Go. At last, we talk about error handling and best practices.

iptables Explained: An Introduction to Linux Firewalling
· β˜• 6 min read
Iptables is a powerful and versatile firewall tool that is used to protect and secure networks. It is an open-source program that is installed on Linux-based operating systems. Iptables works by inspecting and filtering network traffic based on a set of rules. These rules define what traffic is allowed and what is blocked, based on criteria such as the source and destination IP address, port number, and protocol.

Unlocking Docker's Power With Go: A Developer's Perspective - Part 1
· β˜• 11 min read
The Docker Go SDK, also known as the Docker Engine API for Go, is a powerful toolkit that allows developers to interact with Docker and perform Docker-related operations using the Go programming language. It provides a set of APIs and functions that enable seamless integration with Docker, empowering developers to manage Docker resources, automate tasks, and build Docker-centric applications.

Improving Code Quality with Testify in Go: A Deep Dive into Testing
· β˜• 13 min read
Testify is a popular testing toolkit for the Go programming language. It provides a wide range of assertion functions, test suite support, and mocking capabilities, making it a powerful tool for testing Go applications. Testify aims to simplify the process of writing tests and improve the quality of test coverage in Go applications.

Most Common HTTP Response Header with Examples
· β˜• 6 min read
HTTP response headers provide additional information about the server's response to an HTTP request. These headers are essential for web developers and server administrators to ensure efficient and secure communication between clients and servers. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common HTTP response headers and provide example values for each header.

Introduction to FFmpeg by Basic Common Examples
· β˜• 7 min read
FFmpeg is a free and open-source command-line tool used for processing and converting multimedia files. It can handle various types of audio, video, and image formats and can perform tasks such as converting one format to another, resizing, cropping, adding subtitles, and more. Essentially, it's a powerful tool for working with media files.

Getting Started With NodeMCU Development on Ubuntu
· β˜• 5 min read
Automating my home was my motivation to get started start digging around IoT. I own a raspberry pi already. But Raspberry is best suited for being the central server of your entire house. It's more like a mini-computer. But this post is not about the raspi.

Why Use WSGI/ASGI When We Have Nginx?
· β˜• 4 min read
Why use ASGI/WSGI between Python application and nginx when Python application can directly communicate to nginx? Why is that middle man needed? These were the questions that came to my mind when I was dabbling with FastAPI and I have to install uvicorn to host the Python application. Whereas Python itself can open a port and listen to incoming request.

OpenTelemetry for the First Timers
· β˜• 7 min read
Although observability and telemetry might sound like interchangeable words to use, observability is the whole thing that consists of instrumentation to viewing the metrics. Here telemetry is the instrumentation part. And in this post, we are majorly going to talk about this part only.

__str__ vs __repr__ in Python and When to Use Them
· β˜• 3 min read
In Python, the __str__ and __repr__ methods are used to define human-readable and unambiguous string representations of objects. Both of these methods are called by the str() and repr() functions respectively, and the goal of each is to provide a string representation of the object in question.